Friday, September 6, 2024

Book Review Barack Obama Dreams from my father

Barack Obama

Book Review Barack Obama Dreams from my father

Another book that came into my path by fate. One of my mum’s care clients gave her a bunch of books following a clearout. This book was the best of the bunch in terms of personal interest and intrigue.

I’m usually susceptible of members of the political classes. With Barack Obama however it was a bit different. There was already an admiration there. The way he conducted himself and how he came across was and is still very warm and charismatic. The biggest draw was this massive ceiling he had smashed to become the first black president of the United States of America.

The book focuses on Obama’s life journey before he becomes President. It starts with his life in Hawaii. One of my favourite aspects of the book is how it is written. It is so easy to read and is very much a page turner.

Early Life

Obama’s life from the off is very different and challenging. His route to the White House is by no means straightforward. Any person who achieves high office has to prove themselves to get there but tend to have a defined path to get there. Obama from birth is raised by his mother only. Add to that the fact that he is a mixed race child. This brings about an identity crisis in Obama.

You can trace Obama’s work ethic back to his mother. When they were living in Indonesia, Obama’s mother would ensure they both got up early in the morning to learn English. English was not the first language in Indonesia and Obama’s mother recognised the importance of teaching Obama his native tongue. It was an experience both mother and son hated but his mother recognised its importance and therefore persevered. My personal take from this is that this is where you build your character for it to serve you well in your later years.


Obama finds himself at a prestigious Law School where he starts to break barriers and glass ceilings. He emerges as one of the most outstanding students in terms of academic results and also representation of his ethnicity. At this point it becomes quite clear what a unique individual Obama is.

I really enjoyed the chapters on his public service and activism days in Chicago. As someone who enjoys volunteering in any shape or form I found this section really inspiring. I was mainly inspired by his mindset compared to those who he was volunteering with. As a society we tend to pin our hopes on certain individuals who may have a high status only to be let down by them or they don’t quite come through. Obama recognised this and tried to impart that wisdom into this fellow activists and make them realise that the real agents of change is yourself.

It is the public service and activism that sees Obama enter the arena of politics and this is where the road to the White House begins.


After reading the book I came away with even more admiration for Obama. To get to where he has in the circumstances that he was dealt with is astounding. He will be the shoulders that others will stand on in a more equal society. We are still far away from that but Obama’s story will help and everyone should read it.

I look forward to reading his other two books Promised Land and The Audacity of Hope.

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